Saturday, 1 March 2025

Kinky Boots

Kinky Boots, Al Hirschfeld Theater, 2015.

Cast: Stephen Berger, Graham Montgomery/Jake Katzman, D'Andre Lee/Jeremy T Villas, Eugene Barry Hill, Cortney Wolfson, Andy Kelso, Marcus Neville, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Jeanna de Waal, Natalie Joy Johnson, Jake Odmark, Kyle Taylor Parker, Nick Rashad Burroughs, Paul Canaan, Sean Patrick Doyle, Kevin Smith Kirkwood, Kyle Post, Joey Taranto, Abby Mueller, John Jeffrey Martin, Adinah Alexander, Anna Eilinsfeld, Mia Gentile, Eric Leviton, Jennifer Perry, Stephen Tewkesbury.

Book: Harvey Fierstein
Music & lyrics: Cyndi Lauper
Director: Jerry Mitchell

I had to look at my other blog to find out when I saw this, something I've been avoiding doing as I want to see what I remember about things now. I knew we'd spent a lot on the ticket, because things are so much more expensive in New York, but I'd forgotten that we were in the front row of the circle. I'm also surprised to discover that I found the less camp songs a bit "rocky" and hoped they'd be toned down a bit before it came to London and perhaps they were because subsequently I've seen this several times and adore it. It helps that they've broadcast it in cinemas a few times as well - it's just a brilliantly joyful story.

Jeeves & Wooster in Perfect Nonsense

Jeeves & Wooster in Perfect Nonsense, Norwich Theatre Royal, 2014.

Cast: John Gordon Sinclair, James Lance, Robert Goodale

Writers: the Goodale Brothers
Director: Sean Foley

I've never read a PG Wodehouse novel and I don't think I ever saw the TV series (was it Fry & Laurie?) so I really shouldn't have gone to this. Maybe it was funny but if it was it certainly wasn't memorable.

Friday, 28 February 2025


Birdland, Royal Court, 2014.

Cast: Nikki Amuka-Bird, Daniel Cerqueira, Yolanda Kettle, Alex Price, Charlotte Randle, Andrew Scott.

Writer: Simon Stephens
Director: Carrie Cracknell

This really annoyed me. I imagine I went because of Andrew Scott who was hot at the time because of Sherlock - there were lots of those fans hanging around the stage door to see him. It was about a rock star going off the rails and yet again I thought it was a one man show because he's such a big name/personality but it wasn't. I seem to remember the stage filling with water to strand him which must have been a technical nightmare. The writer had previously adapted The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time and Vanya (also starring Andrew Scott) both of which I loved, so this must have been an off day.

One of the rare times I've found a ticket as well. I might just be being mean but £22 sounds a lot for ten years ago and it wasn't even close to the stage.

An Act of God

An Act of God, SHN Golden Gate Theatre, 2016.

Cast: Sean Hayes, David Josefsberg, James Gleason.

Writer: David Javerbaum
Director: Joe Mantello

Another of my very occasional trips to the theatre in a foreign country and a reminder that they do programmes very differently - they're free, but there's almost nothing in them. I remembered this as a one man show, but it wasn't. The theatre was quite empty but beautiful and when we left we walked past lots of tents for homeless people, which is very much like the Pet Shop Boys song The Theatre. Slight dilemma as to whether I should keep this because it was the only theatre I've seen in San Francisco, but the fact I don't remember it persuaded me not to. I could see Sean Hayes in London this summer but I don't think I will.

The Fourth Box

My excitement at having reached the last of the boxes faded somewhat when I took all the theatre programmes out and found I was left with half a box of other stuff to go with the two boxes. With the programmes I've saved I've probably only reduced it by one box and have a long way to go. Starting with this pile:

Ian McKellen on stage with Tolkien, Shakespeare, Others and You

Ian McKellen on stage with Tolkien, Shakespeare, Others and You, Guildhall of St George, King's Lynn, 2019.

Cast: Sir Ian McKellen
Director: Sean Mathias

My God doesn't he look well for 80. This was a treat because Sir Ian is lovely and funny and sweet and interesting, all the things we all hope we might be at some point in our lives. He's had such an interesting life that every time I hear him talk about it he's fascinating. This was no exception. I skipped the scrum for autographs at the end as I didn't trust myself not to scream, "I love you!"

Standing at the Sky's Edge

Standing at the Sky's Edge, Crucible, 2019.

Cast: Darragh Cowley, Nicole Deon, Louis Gaunt, Adam Hugill, Robert Lonsdale, Fela Lufadeju, Maimuna Memon, Johanne Murdock, Damian Myerscough, Alastair Natkiel, Faith Omole, Deborah Tracey, Rachael Wooding, Alex Young, Dylan Hughes/Fraser Hughes, Eva Phillips, A'vaye Stewart Paton.

Music & lyrics: Richard Hawley
Book: Chris Bush
Director: Robert Hastie

This was just magnificent. I love Richard Hawley and am increasingly fond of Sheffield so I went to it with an open heart and wasn't disappointed. The staging was brilliant, really cleverly recreating the block of flats you see when you come into Sheffield station. Alex Young being in the cast was a nice bonus. This is exactly the kind of thing regional theatre should do more of - a joy!

Kinky Boots

Kinky Boots , Al Hirschfeld Theater, 2015. Cast: Stephen Berger, Graham Montgomery/Jake Katzman, D'Andre Lee/Jeremy T Villas, Eugene Bar...