Saturday, 26 August 2023

Thoroughly Modern Millie


Thoroughly Modern Millie, Norwich Theatre Royal, 2005

Cast: Lesley Joseph, Grace Kennedy, Donna Steele, Andrew Kennedy, Richard Reynard, Robyn North, Nicola Blackman, Unku, Yo Santhaveesuk, Lauren Adams, Vanessa Barmby, Karl Clarkson, Laura Clements, Charles Doherty, Victoria Hay, Phil Hogan, Ian Gareth Jones, Emma Gina-King, Joseph Prouse, Emily Shaw, Daniel Smith, Karl Stevens, Laura Tyrer, Brett Watkiss, Nicky Willson.

Book by Richard Morris and Dick Scanlan. New music by Jeanine Tesori. New lyrics by Dick Scanlan.

Director: Beth Eden.

All I remember about this is that I went with a young man called Matt who I'd met online. He cooked for me at his house somewhere north of Norwich one evening. I remember driving back late afterwards listening to Depeche Mode's Playing the Angel album which was released that year and was a bit of a return to form. I don't think we met again after this evening. 

I found an entry about this on my other blog and hadn't realised how mad I was at the time, hoping he'd be my boyfriend, which would never have worked. The following bit is quite interesting and honest about why I suddenly rather desperately wanted a boyfriend, which I guessed at the time was because Dad had died less than two years before:

"The more realistic part of it is that I'm just more available - during the last few years of Dad's life, when his health was a bit fragile, I liked to be around for them just to make sure they were OK, and to be there for the occasional middle of the night phone call to say Dad was going into hospital. I couldn't be sleeping in a strange bed in the middle of nowhere as I'd never have forgiven myself if they needed me and I wasn't there."

I wonder what happened to Matt? 

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