Monday, 1 January 2024

The 39 Steps

The 39 Steps, Cambridge Arts Theatre, 2008

Cast: Colin Mace, David Michaels, Alan Perrin, Clare Swinburne

Adapted by: Patrick Barlow
Director: Maria Aitken

I hated this. The Hitchcock film is probably my favourite of his work (although there's a lot I haven't seen) and it even prompted me to read the novel it's based on (very loosely based on it turns out). So hopes were high for this but I'd failed to read the publicity about it. It's a comedy with four actors playing all the characters, with lots of quick changes on stage and improvised props. If that's what you'd gone for it would be a brilliant evening in the theatre. If you turned up and were surprised to find people laughing, like me, you might have had a different experience. I've seen similar things since - Brief Encounter springs to mind - and loved it so I really need to try this again.

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