Sunday, 17 March 2024

Billy Elliot the Musical

Billy Elliot the Musical, Victoria Palace, 2005.

Cast: Hadyn Gwynne, Philip Whitchurch, Leon Cooke, Liam Mower, Travis Yates, Ann Emery, Chris Lennon, Craig Armstrong, David Bardsley, Paul Broughton, Erica Ann Deakin, Alex Delamere, Damien Delaney, Susan Fay, Alan Forrester, Tim Funnell, Isaac James, Gillian Kirkpatrick, Tom Linecar, David Massey, Francis Maston, Michelle McAvoy, Kark Morgan, Daniel Page, Tim Parker, Lee Proud, Stephanie Putson, Neil Reynolds, Mike Scott, Phil Snowden, Tessa Worsley, Emma Hudson, Leigh Laurie, Brooke Havana Bailey, Ryan Longbottom, Brad Kavanagh, Joey Philips.

Music: Elton John
Book & lyrics: Lee Hall
Director: Stephen Daldry

The first song of this, with miners and a brass band if my memory serves me correctly, made me cry and I never recovered for it. It was a brilliant show and now I'm cross with myself for not making the effort to see it again while it was still on - I assume these things will be there forever and should make more effort to really appreciate the good stuff. I'd love it to tour but I imagine that's almost impossible with children in the leading roles.

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